
Monday, 30 June 2014

I like to call them Contemporary Doilies!!

This weekend was just lovely ... mild and sunny on Saturday, a nice downpour of rain on Sunday, and in between just chilling with my dear David and my crochet work on our new little deck!  Just before the storm, I checked our lemon tree, in case gusts of wind did any damage ... wowwee ... I have beautiful lemons this season ... I see Lemon Curd and Lemon Meringue Pie happening in my kitchen in the little while!

My crochet endeavours took the form of two beautiful contemporary doilies, as I like to refer to them ...  These are not really Mandalas, but also not Doilies in the old fashioned sense!  Although having said that, I have been trolling around Pinterest looking at the gorgeous Vintage patterns available .. I could get quite taken with making one or two! 

This is the first one; it is an adaption of a Vintage Flower Potholder.  The yarn is 100% Cotton in yellow and a variegated blend of colours.

Bright and colourful

The second is a Vintage doily pattern from Lacy Crochet, one of my favourite blogs for all things delicate and lovely!

I love this pattern, and I love the green yarn too, it is a 100% Bamboo 4 ply. The yarn has a gorgeous sheen and slight marbelled effect.

I wish you a wonderful week dear friends, full of creativity, contentment, many cups of your favourite bev, and a slice or two of chocolate cake, if that takes your fancy!!

Till next time
xxx Pat xxx

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Half way there! My Madiba 67!!

In my very first blog dated Sunday 1 September 2013, I mentioned a special project I was working on, 67 hats for Mandela Day.  The general idea is to spend 67 minutes in some sort of service or activity to honour our Madiba. So I decided to make 67 little hats for needy and disadvantaged prem and new born babies as my contribution.

Since then I have got so caught up with other projects ... I counted the hats the other day, and PANIC STATIONS ... I am only half way there!   So my main focus right now is to finish all the hats so that by 18 July I have got 67 of the cutest Prem and New Born baby beanies to take to a needy natal and neo natal unit in my area.

These are some of my latest additions; I made three last night while watching tellie, so quick and easy and a chance to use up small balls of yarn!

Here are two teeny hats I have just finished ... I used two patterns from Olga from Lacy Crochet .. they are just the cutest little hats ever!  Thanks Olga ♥ 

Shells Newborn hat in a soft variagated yarn and a swirl pattern in peppermint green

So happy you stopped by ... till next time xxxxxxxxxxxxx