
Wednesday, 1 January 2014

A brand new year ~

~ Such glorious colour in our summer garden ~

... a teeny wee visitor sitting on my front door handle!

~ enjoying my first project in gorgeous 100% cotton yarn, pretty head bands ~

~ a Liverpool scarf for my son (fervent supporter!!) ~

~ I found these cheery mugs, I think a tea cosy in these colours could be fun -
watch this space!!

I started to blog as a way of keeping a record of my day to day, a journal to look back on in years to come ....
I love being part of Blogland, in the company of the talented, sometimes funny, but always completely down to earth bloggers.
Thank you for keeping me company, I hope you will stay a while.
Wishing you all a fabulous, fun-filled year, abundant with creativity and cheerfulness

Until next time
Much love


  1. hello Pat
    Lots of lovely lovely makes...and splendid photos of flowers. I'd very much have to echo your own words when referring to blogland .....I was very hesitant at the beginning but now I just cannot stay away!!!
    A Very happy New Year Pat

    Amanda xx

    1. Hi Amanda, so nice to hear from you! I must say I am relishing getting totally committed to blogging much more this year, last year end just ran away taking me with it! So here's to happy blogging and much creativity and a very happy New Year to you too
      Pat xx

  2. Beautiful start to a new year !!!

    1. Yes indeed, a clean slate and an abundance of ideas, what joy!

  3. Hi Pat - lots of lovely makes! I especially love the Christmassy ones (I hope you took some close ups to share with us??). Also love what you did with the photo - very clever indeed!. Your garden seems to be coming along quite nicely - can't wait to see what you have done with it. xxx

  4. Your blog header is really lovely, did you make it yourself?
    Happy New Year, Joy x x

  5. I love it too .. it is not my work though xx Pat


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